Save the date: Safe to Learn grantees to present learnings & challenges

Safe to Learn

Girls in Niger.

On April 26, Safe to Learn will be presenting at the 65th Annual Meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society. In a panel discussion titled Reimagining Education to Keep Children Safe to Learn, five End Violence grantees will showcase progress and innovative solutions to prevent and respond to school-based violence in Nepal and Uganda, including during the ever-evolving challenges associated with COVID-19.

By drawing on evidence-based tools and incorporating innovative adaptations, each grantee has done an incredible job ensuring that safer learning environments remain a priority despite the intense challenges associated with COVID-19.

Kristen Hansen, Fund Portfolio Manager for Safe to Learn

Safe to Learn was launched to unite actors across all sectors – including education, health, child protection and violence prevention – to work toward a shared vision of ending violence in and through schools.

The initiative’s efforts have resulted in 15 countries endorsing the Safe to Learn Call to Action, which sets out what needs to happen to end violence in schools across the world. In 2020, End Violence opened a new window of its Fund to support country-level action towards the Call to Action. By supporting projects in five endorser countries – Cambodia, Lebanon, Nepal, South Sudan and Uganda – the initiative aims to further strengthen violence prevention and response mechanisms to end violence in and through school.

At the 65th Annual Conference, participants will hear from five of those grantees, including Mercy Corps, Voluntary Service Overseas and World Education in Nepal; and Raising Voices and Right to Play in Uganda. A panel discussion will showcase progress and solutions from these grantees, and highlight how each project has addressed and gaps and challenges at the country-level, including COVID-19 adaptations.

"We are very excited to be able to showcase how each project addressed gaps and challenges at the country-level and share solutions and learnings to ensure every child is safe to learn," said Hansen.

With over 250 million children experiencing physical, sexual and emotional violence in schools – and violence only increasing in digital and physical classrooms as a result of COVID-19 – ensuring safer learning environments during and post COVID-19 has never been more important.

Learn more by registering for this exciting event.