
In April of 2018, Brazil became a pathfinding country with the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children. The Government has committed to pushing comprehensive action to end all forms of violence against children, particularly when it comes to improving data collection and developing a road map of specific, evidence-based solutions to support those affected by violence.


The National Constitution of 1988, a milestone for civil rights in Brazil, comes into effect. The Statute of the Child and Adolescent was approved soon after, which protects children’s rights in line with the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This statute calls for expanded conditions of children's rights, including universal health coverage and the right to education.


The Decennial Plan for Human Rights of Children and Adolescents (2011-2020) is launched. This is a national plan to protect the human rights of children and adolescents.


Brazil launches the National Plan to Stop Sexual Violence and Exploitation of Children and Adolescents.


The Education National Plan (2014-2024) is launched, which gradually increases Brazil's investment in its national education system. Law No. 7.672/2010 is also enacted to prohibit physical punishment and degrading treatment of children.


In December, Decree No. 9.603 is published, which regulates the implementation of Law No. 13.431 / 17, establishing the guidelines for the creation of the system that guarantees the rights of children and adolescent victims or witnesses of violence. In April, Brazil became a pathfinding country, making a formal commitment to push comprehensive action to end all forms of violence against children.

The National Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (CONANDA) was created in 1991. The Council is a multi-stakeholder platform composed by members of the child protection system with equal participation from government and non-governmental actors. One of CONANDA’s main objectives is to end violence and sexual exploitation of children and adolescents. Its primary role is to inform public policies, promote cooperation and to guarantee policy impact.

Brazil recognizes the importance of having data on children and adolescents to prevent and respond to violence against children. There is an urgent demand to create a system of specific indicators for children and adolescents, integrating different databases for more effective reporting, evaluation, and creation of policies directed at children and adolescents in Brazil.

Homicide data comes from the Datasus (Health System Data) and Public Security Secretary from different states. Once collected, that data is shared through a report by the Institute for Applied Economic Research and the Brazilian Forum for Public Security. Though there is no unified database on sexual abuse and exploitation, there is a hotline service — Disque Direitos Humanos 100 — that keeps records that are later published. The Ministry of Health and the Brazilian police force also keep records on reported cases of sexual violence against children.

Child labour is monitored by the former Ministry of Labor and the Child Labour Eradication Programme.

Child marriage data is available at IBGE/PNAD-C e Censo.

Data on children and adolescents in conflict with the law is available at National System of Socio-educative Support.

Brazil has numerous federal laws that protect children against sexual abuse and exploitation, including sexual assault, rape and online grooming. The Ministry of Education publishes a school guide on identifying signs of sexual abuse of children to support teachers and administrators in identifying and supporting victims of sexual abuse and exploitation.

In November 2017, the Alana Institute convened a group of 15 civil society organizations to support the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children. Together, the organizations prepared the Brazilian government to become a pathfinding country. The group strategised on government engagement; organized formal meetings, and delivered letters to key ministries, garnering significant media coverage throughout the process. The coalition also analyzed violence against children in the context of Brazil, and assessed potential responses relevant to INSPIRE’s seven strategies. This document was an important advocacy piece that led Brazil to become a pathfinding country.

Soon after, the News Agency for the Rights of the Child published a guide for journalists on how to report on topics involving the violation of children’s rights, including abuse and exploitation.

In 2014, Brazil prohibited all forms of corporal punishment against children, including the home.

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