Faces & Feelings of Human Sentiment Foundation

The years 2007, 2008 and 2009 form a period of hard armed confrontation in Buenaventura due to the positioning of the paramilitary strategy in the urban center; In these three years there were an average of 1,600 homicides and a quarter in missing and disappeared, that is to say about 400 victims. According to official sources, in 2007 there were 527 murders and 182 disappearances. In 2008, the victims were 360, and at least 120 disappearances. In 2009 there were 321 homicides and 180 missing; The murders of women in 2009 were 11. In 2007, a group of nine (9) people worried about what they saw as a result of political violence (murders, disappearances, sexual relations, ties and conscripts, etc.) Was occurring and in order to respond to this common challenge, they gave rise to the organization Faces & Feelings of Human Sentiment Foundation. A year later, in 2008, formalized the community and social organizational process acquiring legal status.

Rostros & Huellas is an organization with a human rights perspective, under the mandate of the constant search for prevention and self-protection mechanisms to promote the construction of projects of dignified life that recognize the traditional values ​​of Afro-descendant culture. Likewise, it projects to achieve greater recognition and incidence in the decision-making spaces of the District. R & H strengthens ties of coexistence and articulates levels of organization of collectives for the reconstruction of the social fabric, promotes proactive leadership and support networks. Because of its geographical location, work and ethnicity, the organization claims and promotes the human, territorial, social, economic, cultural, environmental and political rights of black, Afro-Colombian, raizales and palenqueras communities.

The mission of the Faces & Feelings of Human Sentiment Foundation is to accompany, support and permanently develop a proposal for mobilization and social empowerment articulated to the regional and national levels, in order to defend and promote dignified living conditions, permanence and enjoyment of the territory of the Pacific, to contribute to the reconstruction of the social fabric and consolidate development processes with equity, social justice and peace. The population with which Faces & Feelings of Human Sentiment Foundation works corresponds to all those who settle in the Pacific region, especially black and indigenous communities, peasants, women, youth, artists, LGBTI, JAC, trade unions, community councils, student movement; Its spectrum of action are the urban and rural territories of the region. The VISION of Faces and Tracks of Human Sentiment is to be a social organization formed by trained men and women who work as a team, making an adequate management of the economic resources they administer, with clear objectives for social development, rejecting violence and marginalization, In any of its forms and that make political decisions to build a peaceful territory and solidarity. Faces & Feelings Human Sentir is an organization that articulates processes in the local and projects a regional movement to the national, which affect the social reality and transform it with a vision of development and critical position.

The structure and functioning of the organization are cemented in an assembly as a maximum regulatory body, the operational part is advanced by the Board of Directors, later an executive director is delegated that coordinates the actions and processes. The funding of the organization has been through the donation of economic resources from cooperation agencies and mainly the voluntary work of the members of Faces and Footprints, who have seen in these dynamics our collective and political bets for a better future Peaceful. The involvement of the participants in the processes and projects arises according to the needs, relevance and initiatives of the groups, and they determine the changes with the R & H team. We constantly receive suggestions that are taken into account to achieve our work and have better efficiency, as well as the collection of information in the workshops and in the periodic analysis of reality. The gender perspective is inherent in the work of the organization; Its coordinating team and the organization is composed of men and women. Beyond a nominal issue, in the thought and search of the members of the organization is explicit the intention to raise awareness and everyday reality the gender perspective from affirmative actions of gender equity, which is incorporated into the organizational work using inclusive language. From this perspective, the existence of unequal relationships between women and men is recognized and, therefore, transformation is sought to achieve equality and equity. This is linked to the rights, women's rights, youth rights and vindication of the collective rights of Afro-descendant communities; This approach starts from being recognized as subjects of rights and responsibilities, depending on their development, and regardless of the socio-economic situation.

Of the projects that have been carried out, the Wiwa Afro-Colombian Women's Collective has also emerged, enabling formative meetings in cultural identity, human rights, peaceful coexistence, political participation and strategic planning of the organization, as well as work on prevention and protection of women against all forms of gender-based violence and their claim. With the implementation of the different projects through international cooperation, we highlight the youth processes with a human rights perspective, income generation and employability that has had the participation of young people from strata 1 and 2, in addition to strengthening organizations and Expressions of young people in the city. The above is endorsed in the creation of the Urban Festival Marking Territorio and the Tura Hip Hop Festival. Creation of the only Youth Platform in the city, Young Action Platform. Development of a diagnosis for the construction of the Public Policy of Youth, as well as the recovery and provision of the only public space for youth in the city, Center for Comprehensive Attention to Youth - CAIJU. Rostros & Huellas integrates the following spaces with a second-level national human rights perspective: Colombian platform of social and popular organizations for the protagonism of children and young people; Coalition of Movements and Social Organizations of Colombia - COMOSOC; Network of Afro-Latin American, Afro-Caribbean and Diaspora Women; National Conference of Afro-Colombian Organizations - CNOA; International youth network for non-violence through the arts; Coordination Colombia, Europe, United States; National Network of Democracy and Peace - RNDP; Young Action Platform // PAJOB; Pacific Regional Coordination and National Hip Hop Platform.

Countries Involved