Positive Parenting During COVID-19: a resource pack

To respond to school closures and isolation measures, parenting experts have created a new set of evidence-based resources for parents and caregivers to support their children’s growth – and interact with them constructively – during this time of confinement. They have also developed a social media kit to encourage the sharing of these messages more widely.

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Even as the COVID-19 restrictions are slowly being eased, the pressures on families at home are still enormous. Without their usual routines and schedules, re-establishing balance in families has been and will continue to be a huge challenge for parents around the world. Because of this, parents have the power as both perpetrators and as protectors. Often, a toxic combination of parental stress, child or adolescent behavioural issues, and cycles of worsening interactions between children and their caregivers can degenerate into child abuse. Abuse also comes from not knowing effective alternatives to violent discipline.

This multi-agency effort resulted in the form of 12 one-page tip sheets, now produced in 100 languages, equips parents with the basics of good parenting, lending them the support they need to carry children through this crisis with their resilience and well-being at the forefront. Additional languages can be accessed at this link.

Positive parenting: a new set of resources for caregivers

These resources have already been shared with 78 million families across 174 countries across the world. Learn more about these resources and their dissemination of these resources.

Download these resources through the links above or to the right. 

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