International Rescue Committee

Safe to Learn

In South Sudan, the International Rescue Committee will promote violence reduction by shifting social norms, motivating behaviour change, and strengthening caregivers’ and teachers’ capacity to create safe, supportive environments for children, including through training in positive parenting, non-violent discipline, and stress management. An integral part of this project will be establishing community-based child protection networks to influence non-violent norms and values, along with child protection “help desks” within schools to refer children for additional support in the case of violence, abuse or exploitation.

Through this project, International Rescue Committee will also:

  1. Educate children on social-emotional skills to promote equitable, violence-free peer-to-peer behaviour
  2. Support 26 schools to develop child safeguarding policies with child-friendly reporting and referral procedures
  3. Train hundreds of adolescents in positive coping strategies and helpful life skills
  4. Reach 10,000 community members with messages on violence and its harms, utilising various forms of media to do so

These projects were made possible by the generosity of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO).

Learn more about Safe to Learn.