Evidence Matters: Taking stock of the evidence on preventing and responding to violence against children

Date: Sep 14, 2021
Time: 3-4:30pm CET
Address: Online
Organizer: UNICEF Office of Research—Innocenti with WHO, FCDO, SVRI, Raising Voices, The End Violence Partnership, Western Cape Commissioner for Children

Effective solutions to end violence against children will require researchers, practitioners, and leaders to come together to take stock of what we know, bridge gaps across the field, and influence change through the use and generation of VAC evidence. To this end, the UNICEF Office of Research—Innocenti is holding a series of events for the 2021 Solutions Summit Series Together to #ENDviolence.

The first evidence event, Evidence Matters: Taking stock of the evidence on preventing and responding to violence against children, aims to share information and advance understanding of the growing body of evidence on violence against children (VAC) prevention and response and provide a forum for interactive dialogue and knowledge-exchange on evidence gaps.

Part I, The power of now: Taking stock of the evidence on VAC prevention and response and what opportunities and challenges lie ahead - What do we know and how robust is that knowledge?


  • Catherine Ward, Professor, Department of Psychology at the University of Cape Town
  • Ramya Subrahmanian, Chief, Child Rights and Protection, UNICEF Innocenti
  • Shanaaz Mathews, Director, Children’s Institute at the University of Cape Town

Part II, The path forward: Critical reflections on evidence gaps, uptake and the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead - So, what, and what’s next? Building on evidence for uptake


  • Dipak Naker, Co-Director, Raising Voices
  • Berit Kieselbach, Technical Officer, Violence Prevention at the World Health Organization
  • Matodzi Amisi, Senior Research Consultant, Institute for Security Studies
  • Enrique Chaux, Professor, Department of Psychology, University of the Andes

Event contacts:

The second event in the series will focus on the intersections between violence against children and violence against women.

Register here.