Global Support for Kids Initiative

Global Support for Kids Initiative (GSK Initiative) is a community based non-governmental organisation that is poised to minimize the increase of child abuse in Nigeria and give hope to street children. 

The GSK Initiative strives to provide life-saving service to street children and at-risk youth. We have committed to providing food, clothing, and hygiene products, giving resource information and referrals. We have been operating since 2003, and ever since, we have been:

  • Researching and monitoring trends into children’s welfare, safety, well-being, peace and rights;
  • Informing and educating children on things that will help them to grow happily;
  • Making children important when discussing issue related to their welfare;
  •  Conducting inquiries into issues important to children;
  • Advising government, non-governmental agencies, organizations, partners and parents on issues relating to children upliftment.

Our vision is to ensure every child attains the right to survival, protection, development and participation. Our mission is to support individuals and organizations working to protect children from abuse and neglect in Africa and the world in general.

Our objectives are to assist the full implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC); improve the lives of children; protect children from all forms of abuse; support international efforts to promote the rights of the child; ensure that juvenile justice is practicable in our society; and secure the future of children and youth.

GSK Initiative teaches the basic life skills so that they can survive off the streets, help to build a foundation away from the streets and street life.

Countries Involved