Evidence & Gap Map

Why We Like This Piece

Evidence & Gap Maps (EGM) are a useful tool for development decision-makers looking to see what evidence exists to inform policies and programmes. For funders and researchers, these maps show where more investments are needed or where they can avoid duplicating existing research.

In October 2020, UNICEF-Innocenti and the Campbell Corporation launched a new Evidence & Gap Map, which adopts a framework designed to systematically capture different interventions and outcomes associated with each of the seven INSPIRE strategies. These maps visualise what we know, and what we don’t know, about interventions to reduce violence against children in low- and middle-income countries. It looks at the evidence by each of the strategies and also looks at interventions by forms of violence, types of outcomes, and regions of the world. This is an exciting way to advocate for what a country needs to focus on as the violence prevention community moves towards implementation and improved adaptation and scale-up.

To complement the Evidence & Gap Map, UNICEF-Innocenti and the Campbell Corporation have also published an overarching report, a summary brief, and a podcast about the resource. Through these materials, policymakers and practitioners can access findings on the evidence to inform policy strategies for ending violence against children. The briefs are also useful for informing researchers and funders about gaps in evidence that need investment.

Stay tuned for webinars on these maps and briefs so you can bring this knowledge home to your policymakers and practitioners.

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