Safe and Inclusive Learning Environments: Resources from Safe to Learn Partners

Safe to Learn

A child does work.

Below, you will find resources developed by Safe to Learn partner organisations and others for use during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Safe to Learn during COVID-19: Recommendations to prevent and respond to violence against children in all learning environments
A set of recommendations for governments to help prevent and respond to violence against children in different learning environments during the COVID-19 pandemic. Also available in Arabic, French, Portuguese and Spanish.

CREATED BY: Safe to Learn Partners


Safe to Learn: Supporting schools to provide a safe online learning experience
Guidance directed at education ministries and outlines how schools can mitigate online risks and promote positive online experiences for children when learning online.

CREATED BY: Safe to Learn Partners


Learning Must Go On: Recommendations for keeping children safe and learning during and after the COVID-19 crisis
Recommendations for governments and donors to ensure emergency inclusive access to distance learning with emotional and mental health support during and after the crisis.

CREATED BY: Save the Children, UNICEF, INEE, Plan, Humanity and Inclusion and Finn Church Aid


Save the Children’s COVID-19 program framework and guidance, version 2.0
Save the Children's mitigation and response plan for continued programming and the preservation of children’s right to survive, learn, and be protected.

CREATED BY: Save the Children


COVID-19 and education in emergencies
Education Cannot Wait's plan to respond to COVID-19 and its implications on learning in emergencies.

CREATED BY: Education Cannot Wait


Tips for parents and caregivers during COVID-19 School Closures
Tips on well-being and learning for both children and parents.

CREATED BY: The Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Collaborative (MHPPS), Save the Children


Education Sector Issue Notes: Addressing the gender dimensions of school closures
Understanding the gender dimensions of crises to avert increased inequalities and provide opportunities to advance gender equality.



Education Sector Issue Notes: Conflict-affected, displaced and vulnerable populations
The spread of COVID-19 further exacerbates children's vulnerabilities, while related restrictions can negatively impact the delivery of humanitarian assistance including for education in emergencies.



Empowering students with disabilities during the COVID-19 crisis
Educational needs for students with disabilities amid COVID-19 and barriers to education through remote-learning practices.



Education Sector Issue Notes: Anticipated impact of COVID-19 on public expenditures on education and implication for UNESCO work
The loss of education spending over the duration of the crisis, as well as the resulting additional cost; and, secondly, the expected downturn in future financial resources available to the education sector.



Why girls in poor countries will suffer the most from worldwide closing of schools during COVID-19
News article on the impacts of keeping girls out of school due to crisis. Provides examples from Sierra Leone.

PUBLISHED BY: The Washington Post


How girls’ education and safety will be harmed by the COVID-19 response and the steps African governments can and must take to mitigate it
Specific focus on how girls are affected by COVID-19 on the African continent and what governments can do to protect girls and their right to education.

PUBLISHED BY: Human Rights Watch


COVID-19’s Devastating Impact on Children: Governments should mitigate harm, protect most vulnerable
Demonstrates the potentially far-reaching, long-term negative impact on children around the world and urges governments to take urgent measures to protect children’s rights, including prioritizing efforts to continue education for all children.

PUBLISHED BY: Human Rights Watch