Resources to create safe online learning experiences

Safe Online

© UNICEF/UNI342052/

To ensure children are navigating their online education safely, we recommend the following actions for schools and industry.


  • Revise their safeguarding policy and code of conduct for online interactions between teachers and students 

  • Provide mandatory training on online safety for teachers 

  • Use a filtering and monitoring system or software to ensure networks, digital learning platforms and other technologies used by the school, teachers and pupils are safe 

  • Promote access to counseling services and reporting mechanisms, also on digital platforms and especially for children experiencing family problems, domestic violence or anxiety. Girls, children with disabilities and those perceived to be different may experience increased risks requiring additional support.  


  • Digital learning platforms include safety tool and features by default (limited access, data privacy, reporting, etc.) 

  • Social networking platforms used for teacher-student interactions employ built-in protection measures for children 

  • Low-cost tech solutions to faciliate distance learning, violence prevention programs and response services, especially for vulnerable children and for those with no or limited access to the internet  

  • Online platforms with video conferencing ensure that security and privacy protections are in place 


ESafety Commissioner, Australia  

Safe to Learn  


This collection is part of the End Violence Partnership's technical note, COVID-19 and its Implications for Protecting Children Online

Pictured above: A family in Ghana studies at home. © UNICEF/UNI342052/
