Measuring Violence Against Children: A Methods Menu


Children learning.

The End Violence Knowledge Network – a forum for users and producers of evidence – has released a methods menu to guide data collection and analyses of violence against children.

This Methods Menu, which is geared toward national leaders looking to measure the prevalence of violence against children in their countries, identifies and details the best resources to do so.

“As the field of violence prevention grows, the choice of quality measurement tools is also expanding," said Catherine Maternowska, the Data, Evidence and Learning Lead at End Violence. "And sometimes, it can be overwhelming. This Methods Menu is a practical tool for policymakers, practitioners, and researchers who want to see some of the field's best baseline surveys in use.”

The menu can guide efforts to collect baseline data, which, in turn, informs National Plans of Action. As a result, these data can become the basis of contextually appropriate violence prevention programming aligned with the INSPIRE: Seven Strategies for Ending Violence Against Children. This data can not only be used for monitoring progress over time, but also in delivering strategies and driving investments to deliver the greatest impact for children. 

By presenting quantitative tools to measure the prevalence of violence against children, the menu offers reads the chance to compare methodologies with a pro/con assessment, while also considering costs and other related factors. It includes both methods that are broader in scope but that collect data on violence within specific modules or sections, as well as methods specifically designed to measure violence against children.

Download the Methods Menu.
